A Fresh Start: Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society

By Taylor Murray

In the 1990s, the CBHS published a biannual periodical titled The Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society. Under the excellent editorial guidance of Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin, each edition contained academic articles, book notes, and announcements. It was designed to be a “substantial means of information and incentive for Canadian scholars involved in researching aspects of Baptist history, in particular those relating to Canada.”1

For the last several decades, the CBHS has not published the Bulletin. In its place, it has focused its publishing efforts on its book series and blog. At a recent meeting, however, the executive voted to revive The Bulletin.

Now under an editorial committee, The Bulletin plans to publish once a year in the Fall. Much like its predecessor, it will contain content that will interest anyone looking for information about the history and theology of Baptists in Canada, including peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, and announcements. It exists to highlight recent work and broadcast announcements in the broader Baptist academic world, as well as provide updates on the CBHS’s latest developments.

The Bulletin will not be merely a low-tech version of the blog. It will contain unique content that won’t be available in our digital space (and vice versa). The two will have a symbiotic relationship, but each will serve its own purpose.

The editorial committee of The Bulletin welcomes submissions – articles, book reviews, or announcements – and encourages readers to learn more on the “publications” page of the website. As the CBHS returns to this part of the publishing world, it hopes, as before, that The Bulletin might be a “substantial means of information and incentive for Canadian scholars involved in researching aspects of Baptist history, in particular those relating to Canada.”2

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Taylor Murray, PhD, is Instructor of Christian History and Creative Producer of Distributed Learning at Tyndale University in Toronto. He is the Webmaster of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society and Managing Editor of The Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society.


  1. Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society1 (April 1998), 1.
  2. Bulletin of the Canadian Baptist Historical Society1 (April 1998), 1.

**The views of this Blog represent those of the author, and not necessarily the CBHS.**

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